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Calculating Sales Tax

In The Chug Way on January 24, 2011 at 9:12 pm

I just returned from the store with my girlfriend where I was called upon to quickly calculate sales tax on an item.

I will confess that I am not the best at math and calculating anything can often bring me nothing but a headache.  It doesn’t help that my girlfriend seems to be a minor Einstein with math.

Anyway, now she is trying to figure out a way to quickly explain this to me, but I may just have trumped her.  After checking out the page how do I figure sales tax, it all seems much easier than I though.

You absolutely do not need a calculator to figure out the way mentioned here.  You are basically just taking 10% from items and even I can do that.

So, the next time the little lady pulls out her calculator to figure sales tax, I’ll just go ahead and do it in my head and say, “it’s ok honey, I got that!” 

Of course, like everyone else, I hate taxes but this particular part of figuring out sales tax is pretty easy and it costs much less than the Federal Government’s tax!

Superbowl Chuggin!

In The Chug Way on January 22, 2011 at 2:24 pm

The next few weeks of my life are all about the Superbowl and the NFL playoffs.  Seriously folks, there is only about 10 more hours of football on tap for the entire NFL season.  Now, I will give my Superbowl ideas which of course will be far superior to those of others (see link). 

While many people have already annointed their teams winners and are getting ready to watch the Superbowl online, their teams still need to get there first. 

We have 4 teams left:  the Jets vs the Steelers and the Bears versus the Packers.

Who will be the two teams left for the Superbowl?

Well, everyone is now claiming that the Packers are unstoppable.  I think that the Bears will have something to say about this and will be able to “contain” the Packers but not stop them entirely.

The unspoken brilliance of the Packers is their defense.  I think that they will stop Jay Cutler and that is why they will win the game.


This game is tougher to call.  The Jets are eerily silent this week which gives me pause.  However, I think Big Ben and company will win out and take down the egostical Jets.

Which leaves two teams.

Superbowl 2011 will be the Packers against the Steelers…and the Packers will win!